You may be wondering....

Do I have to register a copyright for my song before I submit it to the site?
No, you do not have to acquire an official copyright for your song to submit it to us. Songwriters are granted copyright protection automatically when they produce a work. You can simply supply the year you wrote the song and that will be sufficient copyright information for our site.
How can I copyright my song?
When you write a song, you are automatically granted the copyright for that piece of work. However, you can register your work with the library of congress for a fee. This copyright issued by the government will be helpful for fighting infringements upon your work if the situation arises. For example, if someone else claims to be the author of your song, or if other people are using your song without your permission. For steps on how to copyright your song, please visit
Please fill out the form below and attach your composition. Sheet music or poetry should be in pdf format, and music should be sent as an mp3 file. Thanks!